
Step #1 (find a cute apron) Step #2 (google ingredients)....

First let me start off by saying I'm a nerd and yes I am thinking of taking on a goal that I totally stole from a movie that I watched a couple weeks ago. If any of you have ever seen Julie & Julia then you know where I am coming from. If you haven't seen the movie yet then go rent it I'll wait for you.................................................................................Back yet? All right good! So, I thought the move Julie & Julia was adorable and I especially liked the goal Julie had which was to cook all of the recipes in Julia Child's cookbook in one year. There were over 500 recipes and only 365 days in a year. While I am not as ambitious as Julie is, I am however thinking of doing my own "cooking project" and making a recipe each week from my Biltmore cookbook I received this year for my birthday. Sorry Julie, I am not ready to commit to cooking EVERY night a different recipe but I think I can handle one per week. The reason for this goal of mine is because I actually like to cook-shocking to some of you I know. However, it's true! Jon and I's schedule these past 6 years has left little time for real cooking so I have mastered the art of breakfast for dinner (Thank you Lord for my griddle!), grilled cheese and soup and the dollar menu at various fast food locations. I am not proud of this track record but I am willing to improve on it one recipe at a time. I chose the Biltmore Cookbook because it will be challenging (tons of ingredients I can barely pronounce let alone find in a grocery store) and the recipes all seem to be fancy yet practical. Are you ready? I know I am! Lets get cooking!!!

P.S. I have four projects due in school this week so I will start my cooking project next week ha ha :) I want to set myself up for success!...In case you have already read my "pizza post" I do not think this project will have the same fate and the fact that I want to take on this cooking project has nothing to do with me trying to redeem myself and my frozen pizza epic failure....don't judge me! :-P


Unknown said...

Ok....how did the soup go?

Kalyn said...

LOVE this idea... made sneaking that cookbook out of the Biltmore store without you noticing all worth it! And may I also say that the cinnamon rolls from last weekend were SUPERB and should be added to your "successful recipe" list!!!

What a Life!

What a Life!
Six years together and loving every minute of it! Time has gone by so quickly and everyday I thank God I am married to you. I love you very much and look forward to the next 50+ years together. ~Amanda

Useless Information....

3-16-08 Giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels.

3-23-08 Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks so that it doesn’t digest itself.

3-30-08 India has a Bill of Rights for cows.

4-8-08 American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by taking out an olive from First Class salads

4-16-08 By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand

4-23-08 Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression can weaken your immune system.