

Happy FALL everyone! I've received mixed feelings on this topic so far. For me, once school starts back up I am in full on fall mode! I begin by purchasing my pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks (yummo!) then I start to gather a game plan for the holidays followed by taking my "winter clothes" out of storage and lastly....DECORATING! This is the first year I have actually decorated my porch for the fall season. I didn't want to spend a lot of money-after all, fall is only here for about two-three months (depending on when you accept its arrival) and then it is full on into Christmas. I set out earlier this week to purchase items that would help me decorate. After spending $39.30 and dividing that by 75 days (amount of time my decorations will actually be on display)the cost to have my decorations is approx. $.52 a day. The best part is...I took money out of my "household" budget for the next two weeks to cover it. I projected what I may need over the next two weeks (laundry detergent, toilet paper, cleaning supplies etc) and because I have started making my own cleaning and beauty supplies I have saved a ton of money and still have a lot of products left here at the house! YAY! I hope you enjoy the pics...you can double click on the images to see them larger. My mums are still in the beginning stages but once they bloom they will be orange and purple-can't wait to see them!!
Happy fall decorating to you :)


Jon's TRIUMPHANT Triathlon!

Copy and paste the link we posted and watch Jonathan compete! (the third event-the 3.1 mile run seems to have a few glitches currently. All of the runners get stuck in one spot-we are hoping the website will fix the issue asap!)


You can also check out the results for his division (Novice Men)


This is a website with his "official" race day photos.


Yesterday, Jon competed in a local triathlon! He did such an amazing job and I am SO PROUD OF HIM! He had to swim 750 meters, bike 12.5 miles, and run 3.1 miles. We all had such a great time cheering him on! I can't wait for the next one :) The pictures show bits and pieces of his triathlon and of course his faithful fans.

Natural living equals Healthy living

Hello blog world! I wanted to let you in on a little project I have been working on. It is called: Operation Natural living equals Healthy living. Jon and I have been researching the uses of harmful chemicals found in everyday products like cleaning supplies, beauty products and more. We have wanted to make some changes but never had the time or money (we thought) to implement the new products into our lives. Well, let me tell you...we are well on our way now! I have learned so much over the past month and I wanted to share with you the all natural products I now use and their effect not only on our health but also our budget. One of the first changes was switching to using water and apple cider vinegar to clean the various surfaces in our house. Although vinegar may not smell the best, the smell doesn't stick around for long but what I have just cleaned is fresh and chemical free! I have tried to use products that can be consumed. If I can't eat it or if it will cause harm if digested then I try to stay away. Now, before I go any further I need to stop and reassure all of you who may think that Jon and I have GONE GREEN and are now all natural enthusiast and won't use anything unless it is from the earth. I can tell you right now, I still like Starbucks and we still do partake in man made foods (Chick-fil-a etc). However, we are making slow changes to improve our health and by doing so we are actually growing our bank account.
The skin is the largest organ of the body. Therefore, you should be just as conscience of what you put on it as you are regarding what you put in it (what you eat!)When you put a product on your skin it eventually gets absorbed into your bloodstream and flows throughout your body-crazy!
As you scroll down you will see the various changes I've made to ensure I am being much more healthy regarding what I stick on my skin each day and take notice of the savings in our grocery bill!

Lavender essential oils

Who would have thought that lavender could do so much! I recently purchased a bottle of lavender essential oils and I have been more than satisfied with the results.
1)Air freshener-add water and several drops of lavender oil in a spray bottle and mix. Spray in any room to create a calm and soothing environment. Plus, essential oils are safe to breathe in and can even be edible.
2)Relaxation- apply two to three drops to the back of your neck for a calming feeling that helps you relax after a long day.
3)Blemish control-apply to the face as a blemish control oil. Lavender has elements that dry up unwanted blemishes (YAY!). You can also had a few drops to olive oil to create a lavender smelling lotion.
Applies to budget: Since you can find many companies that sell essential oils, the price may very. The bottle I have cost $20.00 for 15ml. Each time I use it I only need about 2-3 drops. I haven't even begun to use much out of my bottle and I have been experimenting a lot with it over the past week. A typical blemish controller can cost anywhere from $5-$25 depending on the brand. I have tried them ALL! So far I have really grown fond of the lavender oil because it is a natural material and I feel like it is actively working with my skin's natural balance and not trying to get it to do what the chemicals in other products want it to do. I will keep you posted on my progress-this is a HUGE experiment for me since I have been battling with my skin since I hit puberty.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I have fallen in love with using extra virgin olive oil as my lotion both on my face and body. Since it can be consumed (used in cooking) then it is a great way to add moisture to your skin without harmful chemicals entering the bloodstream.
Applies to budget: A typical bottle of lotion will cost around $5.97 and contains about 11oz and a bottle of great value oil costs $4.88 and contains 17oz. I used more of the lotion so I would run out much sooner then when I use the oil because I only need a tiny amount to rub in. PLUS, I also use this on my face and I used to buy a separate face lotion that costs around $6.97. I think it is obvious which buy is better not only for my skin but also my budget!

Baking Soda 101

1)Deodorant-I no longer buy store deodorant. I have found that baking soda when applied under your arms works better and also acts as an exfoliant. It hasn't stained my clothes yet (other store bought products did).
Applies to budget: A typical stick of deodorant at the store would cost around $3.00. A large box of baking soda costs $1.00 and will last about three times longer!
2)Toothpaste-I have been using baking soda to brush my teeth and it acts as a natural whitener and still leaves my teeth feeling clean and fresh.
Applies to budget: A typical tube of toothpaste with cost around $3.00 (with whitener)and as mentioned above a large box of baking soda is $1.00.
3)Carpet freshener-I have created a shaker from an old container of sour cream (punch small holes in the top of the plastic lid). I put baking soda and cinnamon (from the spice cabinet) in together and shake it up. I sprinkle it on my carpet before vacuuming and it makes my carpet smell fresh and gives it a hint of fall warmth.
Applies to budget: A can of carpet fresh costs $1.00 and I usually use it up in two weeks. Again, a large box of baking soda costs $1.00 and I will use that up in about the same amount of time. However, if I run out I know I will have more because I use it for multiple purposes so there is always a back up! Lastly, it is much healthier for the dogs when I sprinkle it around the house.

Here is a website that gives you TONS of ideas for using baking soda :)

What a Life!

What a Life!
Six years together and loving every minute of it! Time has gone by so quickly and everyday I thank God I am married to you. I love you very much and look forward to the next 50+ years together. ~Amanda

Useless Information....

3-16-08 Giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels.

3-23-08 Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks so that it doesn’t digest itself.

3-30-08 India has a Bill of Rights for cows.

4-8-08 American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by taking out an olive from First Class salads

4-16-08 By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand

4-23-08 Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression can weaken your immune system.