There is something to be said for really taking time to enjoy the "simple" things in life. It has been a month since the dance showcase and Jon and I are really enjoying the new found time we have together. We are learning to cook dinner at home instead of picking it up and eating it in the car. This has altered our food budget some and so we adjusted as necessary but it has proven to be a positive thing since we constantly have leftovers for the next day :)
On Monday I was able to enjoy a movie at our small town theatre on Main street with my sister, Kalyn, who is home. Monday night is "girl's night" and it's $7 for the movie, a drink and either popcorn or candy. Of course, I ALWAYS opt for the candy and splurge with my raisenettes! It was such an awesome time to just relax and hang out while watching Toy Story 3 (great movie by the way).
It's in these times that I find I am so grateful for the things I have in my life.
For the longest time, I found it difficult to just "be still". I thought I ALWAYS had to be doing something or running somewhere. If I slowed down then I was wasting time when I should be "productive". The truth is, the Lord has shown me that in the midst of doing things for myself, work, my family and even for Him with our church it is easy to get so "busy" that I miss out on Him trying to speak to me. I would wonder why I wasn't seeing God's blessings in my life, until one day I realized...I had never stopped long enough to look around and take notice if in fact the blessings were happening. Well, as soon as I did, it was obvious! The Lord is always blessing us! Unfortunately, we never stop long enough to take notice.
Blessings come in many forms and for me-they are usually in small moments that can easily be overlooked. My many blessings for this month have been, eating dinner with my husband at home, going to the movies with my sister on a Monday night, sitting on my front porch without a thought in my head but simply breathing in and out for more than 5 minutes, laughing at a story a friend of mine sends me regarding her adventures with offering the mailman a bottle of water (so funny and much appreciate-you know who you are) and hearing from the Lord louder than ever and understanding more clearly his Love for me and the many ways he shows me. Simplicity is sometimes the best answer for life's many problems. It is in these times that the Lord reveals Himself to us, but not because He was holding back before-but simply because we never took the time to simplify.
May your days be... simple. The end.