Last weekend Jon and I went camping with my mom, Dennis, Stephanie, Kalyn, and Elliot(Kalyn's boyfriend). We had such a good time! We went swimming, grilled out for all meals, went horseback riding, played a giant game of chess and had a campfire with s'mores (ohhh sooo good to eat)-did I mention I also had s'mores for breakfast too?? lol
Overall, it was a great weekend and it was nice to hang out with everyone and meet Elliot for the first time and the weather couldn't have been better!
Below you will find some pics from our weekend...did I mention Jon and I slept in a tent? Your eyes are not deceiving you...I did say a TENT! I will admit I had an air mattress (don't judge me) but I still braved the outdoors and all that comes with it-the bugs, the humidity, the non-air conditioned tent, and the bath house with a full shower and potty not even 10 feet away. I guess you could say I sure did have it tough out there! ha ha Oh, before I forget, I must tell you about my "potty" story. Before you get all grossed out-let me explain. In the middle of the night, not sure what time-no clocks-I had to go use the
outdoor woods room. I got up, unzipped my tent (we had it closed up so that no critters would get us) and stumbled/walked to the restroom. The restroom was a single stall so I turned on the light and walked into the stall and locked the door (you can never be too sure when you're in the woods what kind of crazy people are around!) Once finished, I proceeded to exit the stall so I unlocked the door and pushed it forward (thinking this was the way to exit said stall). When I pushed open the door it fell completely off of the hinges and hit the concrete floor with a loud
THUD several times (it was a large door) before eventually landing flat on the floor and making a huge noise. Well, I stood there (half awake and now in shock of the bathroom door that almost took my life-not a good way to go)and starred at the door for a second waiting for someone to come rushing to the bathroom to see if I was okay. After no emergency response rescue team showed up, I decided to pick this huge door up and place it gently to the side and leaned it against the wall. I then walked out of the bathroom with the expectation that someone would be making the attempt to walk my way to check on me-wrong! I walked outside and all I hear are the sounds of wildlife (laughing at me no doubt). I walk back to my tent and proceed to climb back into my sleeping chambers and find Jon still sleeping. Needless to say, that morning I asked if he heard my "situation" the night before and he said, "yes I did but I prayed and trusted the Lord would protect you and nothing harmful would cross your path, and then I went back to sleep". UGH! Good answer! I am married to a man who truly lives out his faith-so much for the damsel in distress act! lol
Thank you Lord for protecting me from a huge bathroom door in the middle of the woods. Oh, and to clarify for all of those "philosophers" out there...when asked the question, "If a tree falls in the middle of the woods and no one is around to hear it, did it make a noise?" The answer is: "If it is anything like a metal hanging bathroom door, then
YES!" :)