Hello to all of the tens of people who read our blog! I have titled this post "casablanca lillies" for a very special reason :) First, they are MY FAVORITE flower in the entire world! I had them in my wedding bouquet with red roses and it looked amazing! .....sorry, I got sidetracked there for a second. The real reason I am focusing on casablanca lillies is because of an awesome way the Lord has worked in the life of my mom. As we all know, I love craigslist and check it frequently. Well, as some of you may or may not have known both my mom and stepdad were laid off and in need of employment. I had been searching for jobs in our area on craigslist for them both when I spotted a listing that I knew would be perfect for my mom. It was a job posting for a nanny position taking care of a newborn little girl. Well needless to say, I called my mom and "strongly" urged her to apply. The Lord is so good and his timing is perfect because the listing had just been posted and it was on a Tuesday morning and that is not a "prime" time to list things on craigslist generally. All this to say, my mom applied, interviewed and she now has the job :) This job is amazing for her and her pay as increased by 50% from the job she was laid off at. PLUS the parents of the little girl like to travel (they are "well off" it seems) and when they go oversees they want my mom to go and all expenses will be paid for her! Sweet deal! The hours are amazing and she is responsible for one precious little girl instead of 10-15 screaming elementary school children. You may be thinking at this point, Praise the Lord He provided the perfect job but...what does this have to do with casablanca lillies? Well, when my mom got the address from the couple to come and meet the family the wife told her that they lived in a brick home on the water and in front of the house were bushes full of casablanca lillies lining the home :) This may not mean a lot to those of you reading this but to me it was a subtle and sweet reminder from my Heavenly Father. He was simply reminding me that not only will He supply all of my needs according to His riches and glory, but those around me as well. His still small voice guided me to look on craigslist that morning before work and call my mom and He took it from there to bless my family with an opportunity far better then anything my mom would have hoped for.
Thank you Lord for always providing for me, Jon and our families! Thank you for your sweet reminder of how you are always listening when I speak to you.....and one more thing... thank you that my mom's new boss grows my favorite flower and she may be able to bring me some home every now and then....Amen.
PS. Did I mention my stepdad also got a new job with great benefits and he and my mom started their new jobs on the same day :) God is sooooooo good!
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