Hello everyone!
Two weekends ago my mom asked if I would be willing to take a trip to Asheville, North Carolina with her. My sister, Kalyn, is starting a new job there and needed some items brought to her from Gloucester. My mom and I left Saturday morning around 7am and what was supposed to be a 7 hour trip turned into over 9 hours instead. It rained for 6 out of the 9 hours of the trip. Did I mention it was raining sideways? I haven't seen it rain that hard in a long time! I was driving the majority of the trip while it was raining and we had to pull off to the side of the road several times because we couldn't see anything! Oh, by the way, did I mention we were hauling a brand new mattress and boxsprings on top of the bed of the truck? Thankully it was covered in the plastic wrap along with a tarp (just in case it rains, I remember hearing my mom say) lol.
Needless to say, we got there safe and sound and the mattress and boxsprings suffered no permanent damage and is in perfect sleeping condition-thank you LORD!
Once we arrived in Asheville, Kalyn showed us around town and we had the opportunity to eat at some great places. My sister will be living approx. 10 minutes from the Biltmore Estate......SWEEEEEEEEEET! We ventured down to where the estate was and thought we might be able to catch a glimpse of the estate in all of his beauty however, the only thing we were able to see was the building to buy your tickets-bummer! I think the family is planning to go around Christmas so we should see a lot more then :)
Once we left the estate we came out the exit and BEHOLD a sight so lovely it was calling our name.........McDonalds!!
Some of you may not be impressed BUT I will have you know...this was NO ORDINARY McDonalds. This was the big golden arches of them all! Needless to say, we had to travel inside to see the breath taking beauty of what was awaiting us. Lets just say, I have never been so at peace eating a mcflurry. I found myself drifting away on the mini M&Ms that were swirling to and fro in my vanilla ice cream. The soft peaceful sounds of the baby grand piano playing in the background was merely icing on the cake until the words...."can I get a number 5 super-sized" resonated through my ears over the intercom-bringing me back to reality once more.
Aside from the McDonald's made of gold, Kalyn showed us her new place of employment and I must say that I am a little jealous that she gets to pass by green pastures and lakes while driving up through cascading mountains of foliage. I on the other hand get to pass by interstate signs and construction (that I think has been going on since the 80's) and people politely waving (with one finger) as they speed past Jon and I in our super sonic speed civic. Nonetheless, I am so proud of my sister for taking a leap of faith and moving to a new city and job and following her heart. It's not an easy thing to do-especially when you get comfortable in life, but it is something that is necessary in life. Way to go sis!!
There is so much to do in Asheville and I can't wait to explore the new land some more real soon :)
Love you lots sis!
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